Modules – the systems for the future?
Complexity in architecture is increasing all the time. With modular building solutions it is possible to implement industry in architectural construction.
The production in factories is an alternative that has existed in many types of industry but could not be fully introduced in architecture before.
In combination with high demands for lower CO2 emissions and a mindset of sustainability and efficiency, new solutions must be applied in order to achieve these results.
In this way, many of the above-mentioned problems can be solved: – The work in the factory tends to be more precise, due to the control of the surrounding conditions. Production control is more exhaustive, as the required experts are all in the same place at the same time, allowing for greater attention to detail. By producing in the same factory and control, there is no waste of materials, as the systems are repeated and well calculated in advance. Additionally, there are other benefits such as reducing the time spent within the city (which again produces logistical problems in the city) or safety for workers, as the environment is more controlled.
A more condensed design from the first steps of the project - possible thanks to BIM tools
Reduction in project time due to the reduction of factors involved in the project site.
More time pressure by needing to have everything at a good level of detail - resolved due to our good experience in communicating with remote companies.
A more effective use of materials – by having a more detailed and concrete BIM project without the option of improvisation.
Stronger coordination is required at the end point of the project, when having to move a building in pieces to its location - with the combination of BIM and good communication between the different parties involved, it is easy to solve.
Less impact on the city during construction, which makes for a better reception from the city and neighbors.